Posted on 8/3/2022

While some car owners are thrilled by the pride of knowing how every part of their vehicle works, others are just content with the fact that their machine is in good condition. Numerous benefits come with understanding how different components of your car operate. For instance, you can easily identify the source of a fluid leak or even fix a few manageable parts whenever they get damaged. Your car relies on the synchronization and collaboration of several parts to work. The common factor that brings all the moving parts of your vehicle together constitutes motor oil. The thing about motor oil is that when it is utilized, it generates energy which in turn produces heat. Now imagine yourself sitting in a heated car after driving for hundreds of miles without a means of cooling your system. That is where your car radiator comes in. A car radiator is the primary component of your vehicle's cooling system. Its main function is to regulate the engine temperature and avoid overhea ... read more
Posted on 7/6/2022

Spark plugs are necessary to ignite the air-fuel mixture that starts your motor’s internal combustion process. They are the unsung heroes in your automobile’s ignition system. Like other car components, spark plugs need servicing and replacing. Spark plug replacements are typically done as a part of tune-ups. You can count on the experts at Grand Garage to keep your spark plugs optimized for performance. But first, you should keep an eye out for the signs of faulty or worn spark plugs. Car Starting Problems When starting your car becomes difficult, it may be due to worn spark plugs. When the spark plug can’t sustain the ignition process, your car won’t stop. We recommended bringing your car to Grand Garage to have your spark plugs checked out. Slow Acceleration Weak acceleration in motor vehicles is typically linked to an error in the ignition system. A faulty spark plug can limit your acceleration power. Therefore, you should have a t ... read more
Posted on 5/24/2022

After driving your vehicle for years and years, you should know by heart how it drives on a regular basis. That means that anything weird and unusual should stick out. For example, when you notice that your car bounces excessively, it means that there’s definitely a problem. Bounciness or shakiness can be attributed to various automotive problems, from the power steering system to bad tires to worn suspension. Luckily, you can count on the vehicle experts at Grand Garage to get down to the bottom of the problem. SUSPENSION Struts, shock absorbers, and even ball joints are key parts of your vehicle’s suspension that play a key role in stabilizing your vehicle. Therefore, most auto technicians don’t think twice to inspect these parts when your car is feeling bouncy. Worn-out shocks and struts cause the car to shake and bounce, resulting in an unpleasant and bumpy ride. At Grand Garage, we can replace your worn suspension parts to get rid of the symptom.   ... read more
Posted on 4/14/2022

Not only is it frustrating and inconvenient when your car can't start, but it can be very stressful when you can't figure out what is causing it. Many reasons can explain why your car can't start, and the two of them we will discuss today are a bad battery and a failing alternator. First, the battery is liable for delivering voltage to the starter, which cranks up your motor engine. The alternator recharges the battery while your engine runs, allowing your car to function at its total electrical capacity. Below is how to pinpoint whether the battery or alternator is causing your starting issues. Battery Your vehicle is responsible for providing power to the starter and entire electrical system when your car is not moving. A new car battery has a bandwidth to last three to four years. While it is a major power supplier, the alternator lends it a hand to charge it. With usage over time, the parts on your battery may be susceptible to corrode, reducing its abi ... read more
Posted on 4/7/2022

Gasoline prices seem to be a hot topic nowadays, as they have skyrocketed to ~$6 per gallon in the Escondido area! You may be wincing every time you pass by the station or flinching as you pay, but there are ways to minimize your cost of spending on gas. While changing your mode of transportation isn’t a realistic choice for every person, you can make changes to your driving style or purchase decision. Here are some of Grand Garage's top tips for saving money on gas: Fill Your Tires Driving with too little air in your tires is not only dangerous but it can cost you more money. So please make sure to regularly check your tire pressure and make the appropriate adjustments to match the recommended psi. You can find these exact numbers on the inside of the driver’s door. Avoid Idling Idling burns more gas than you may think. An engine burns 1/4 to half a gallon of gas per hour when idling. Fortunately, most cars nowadays only need around 10 seconds to warm up the ... read more
Posted on 4/7/2022

California is known for many things: The "Golden State", beaches, Hollywood, Disneyland, and more. It's also the state with the largest population in America, and the reality of it is that California is also the most polluted state in the country. California requires a smog check for almost all registered vehicles to protect the environment and minimize harmful emissions. Clean air is often taken for granted, and everyone should do their part so that we can share it with those after us. The Smog Check Program has been proven to show positive results. The program has dramatically reduced air pollution. Emissions testing is meant to distinguish cars with excess emissions and make the necessary repairs to limit them. If you reside in Escondido, CA, passing a smog test is essential to register your car, SUV, or truck. What Vehicles Require a Smog Check? According to the state's law, all gasoline-powered vehicles, alternative fuel vehicles, or hybrid vehic ... read more
Posted on 1/18/2022

Most of us have been there at one time or another. We press down on the gas pedal in our vehicle, fully expecting to have enough power to pass someone on the highway or quickly take off after a traffic light has turned green, only to be left feeling underwhelmed by our vehicle's sluggish performance. If this is something that resonates with you and you're the proud owner of an older or high-mileage vehicle, you should know that such letdowns are not uncommon. And there are several reasons why this drop in power happens. In some cases, it is a byproduct of the mileage on the odometer starting to climb. Other times, we pay the price for not keeping up with routine maintenance. Sometimes, it is the perfect storm of high mileage, neglect, and bad luck. Top Mechanics Chime in on Why Vehicles Lose Power One of the things that nearly all mechanics will agree on when it comes to trucks, SUVs, and cars is multiple things can affect their performance. Aside from engine problems, which ... read more