Posted on 6/30/2021
If the California heat is affecting you, it is likely taking a toll on your car too. Contrary to popular belief, the high temperatures of summer have a more threatening impact on your car's battery than the low temperatures of winter. In order to really understand the damage of overheating your battery, you first need to know how your car battery works. More About Car Batteries Your car's battery is an electrochemical mechanism made out of electrodes that store an electrical charge. A car’s battery stores acid and chemical reactions occur within the battery case to keep electricity flowing throughout the car. When the reaction occurs, it creates the charge needed to get your vehicle going and maintain power throughout your ride. Heat & Batteries Heat can do multiple things to affect your battery's health negatively. The optimal temperature for a car battery is 80 degrees F, and whenever it exceeds that temperature, internal corrosion can occur. Add ... read more
Posted on 6/25/2021

If your car's air conditioning isn't blowing cold air on a hot day, your drive may be extremely uncomfortable. It’s getting to that time of year when having a working air conditioning system in your car is vital. The source of a malfunctioning car A/C system ranges from simple to complex. Sometimes it can be caused by a leak, while other times, it can be attributed to damaged parts within the system. Here are some of the most common issues that can occur with your car’s A/C system that we often see here at Grand Garage: Refrigerant Leak Refrigerant, also referred to as Freon, is a crucial component of your vehicle’s A/C system. It is used to actually cool the air through a very complicated process. A refrigerant leak can occur due to a hole in the compressor, connection, hoses, condenser, and more. A refrigerant leak can be difficult to identify, due to the fact that it is designed to evaporate when exposed to air. A fluorescent leak tracer dye is often used ... read more