Posted on 5/5/2023

It's every vehicle owner's nightmare: you pull out of your driveway or a parking spot and notice a pool of oil beneath your vehicle. Leaking engine oil or motor oil is a serious issue that requires immediate attention, and if left unchecked, it can cause severe damage to your car. It is so pressing because oil is necessary for lubricating your engine's moving parts; when oil leaks, the engine is susceptible to increased friction and overheating. If you're wondering what is causing the problems in the first place and what solutions to repair them, keep reading. 3 Common Causes of Engine Oil Leaks Damaged Gaskets or Seals One of the most common causes of an engine oil leak is a worn or damaged gasket or seal. Gaskets and seals are used to prevent oil from escaping from the engine. Over time, these gaskets and seals can become brittle and crack, allowing oil to seep out. Broken Oil Pan Another common cause of oil leaks is a broken oil pan or oil filter. These com ... read more